Mornings are my favorite time of the day. I love waking up early, even on (most) weekends to savor the quietness of the morning and enjoy that before the day gets started. For me, I like to take my time and spend time with the Lord, move my body in some way before working from home for the day, accomplish a thing or two around the house and enjoy the simple pleasures such as the sunrise, morning light, breeze blowing in the windows, birds chirping, coffee steaming, fresh fruit, stretching and waking up the body, and more.
I’ve been working from home for over a year now and truly love it. I enjoy taking care of our home, and thrive with time management and working from home.
My current morning routine:
5:40 – Wake up & turn on the coffee. I then crawl back into bed and snuggle with my pup for a bit and either doze off for a few more minutes or slowly wake up.
6:00 – Pack my husband’s lunch and chat with him for a few minutes before he leaves for work at 6:15. Right when he leaves I drink a big glass of water and then pour myself a cup of black coffee.
6:15 – 7:00 – My time with the Lord. Bible reading, journaling and prayer. In the summer, I love to sit outside on our deck or front porch to take in the cooler mornings and nature. This is truly is my favorite part of the day and I feel off when I don’t have this in my daily routine.
7:00 – Make our bed and write or look over my to-do list for day (work and personal/around the house)
7:15 – 8:00ish – Workout or take my dog for a morning walk
8:00 – 9:00 – Get ready for the day. In addition to that I will also do usually one or two of these things: a chore or two around the house such as unload the dishwasher or start the laundry, feed my dog, start work early or work on my blog. I usually don’t eat breakfast until 9:30 or 10. It depends on the day and when I feel hungry.
9:00/9:30 – Start work for the day
My tips for establishing a morning routine:
- First, establish what you want to do in the morning before you have to go to work/get started on whatever you may have going on that day. This will help grasp how much time you need to do each task that you desire to spend your mornings doing!
- I am all about finding joy and beauty in the simple everyday. I encourage you to be intentional in the morning moments when you’re pouring your first cup of coffee, eating a nutritious breakfast, taking in the peaks of morning sun. Everyday moments can be times when we find the Lord or quiet our hearts and minds enough to listen or to ponder.
- Go to bed earlier! It’s that simple 🙂 I love having tea before bed to help me wind down and it just makes your evening routine/evenings so much more cozy and fun.
- My biggest encouragement is to have some sort of morning routine before the rush of the day. It doesn’t have to be two hours long or even a half hour. If you only have ten minutes, find a bit of calmness and do something you enjoy to start your day off peacefully and with intention.
Morning Routine Overview: