We know we should pray. We know the power of prayer. We know that our prayer life is important and something to be cherished, but sometimes we don’t know how to pray or we just can’t find the time. We can come up with excuse after excuse, but in today’s post, I’ve gathered some tips on ways to incorporate it into your daily tasks, and even some tips and resources to look into if you need some additional guidance.
Here are 5 ways to make prayer part of your daily life:
Do it first thing!
Either before your feet hit the ground or while you are getting out of bed and waking up. Thank God for each day, and it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. I also like to say the day of the week when I am doing it so I am not just going through the day-to-day motions.
During Quiet Time
I heard recently on a podcast to sit in quiet and listen for God’s voice. So, it isn’t necessarily praying, but a way of connecting with the Lord for sure. I have done this while driving, or in the morning after I read my Bible. Sometimes, if you’re just hearing silence, try prompting a few questions to see if God speaks to you that way. Some questions you could think about, “What are you trying to teach me lately?” “Is there something I’m missing you’re trying to tell me?” Another way to incorporate it is to make it part of your daily quiet time – pray to start your quiet time if you’d like, read your bible, journal if that’s something you enjoy, read a few pages of a book, and pray to end your time/pray for your day.
Praying while I do mundane tasks such as folding the laundry, doing the dishes or making the coffee allows me to infuse my life with Christ and make Him the center. It also helps me to stay grounded and have a good attitude about these daily housekeeping times.
Set an Alarm
I haven’t tried this myself, but I could see how it would be very helpful in finding discipline around prayer time and if you’re a very busy person! I bet overtime it would develop into more of a habit, too, from this practice.
Find Resources
I have been loving Your Daily Prayer on Spotify and Declarations which are guided prayers on Spotify, for a variety of topics to pray over and morning/evening style prayers as well. These help me when I don’t know what to pray and it also helps broaden my prayers to more areas of my life!

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