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What do you think of when you think of Christmas? Do you think of the magical and happy feelings, the stress and anxieties of it all, or maybe a mix of both? No matter which way you lean, it doesn’t change what the season is truly about – Jesus. Christmas is about anticipating His arrival and celebrating that our Savior was born to earth as a child. A true act of God.
Though certain aspects of the season can distract us from the meaning of Christmas, I want to provide you ways to stay focused. To stand in a posture that is open, eager, warming, inviting, present, and hopeful.
How do I prepare my heart for Christmas?
I am outlining 10 ways I thought of to prepare your heart for Christmas below, but what it comes down to is taking time to savor the season – whatever that looks like for you and your lifestyle.
“We’re ready for Christmas, not when we have all the gifts, but when we are ready for Christ—when we’re ready to give all of ourselves to Christ.” Author Ann Voskamp
10 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Christmas:
1. Dig into God’s Word.
- A few good passages: Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 2:1-12, Micah 5:2-5
2. Consider a month-long or two week Advent devotional. I’ve shared my favorites here.
3. Remember Christ.
4. Pray.
- Ask God how you can best prepare for your heart for his son’s arrival.
- For those who don’t know Him this year.
5. Initiate spiritual conversations.
- Ask someone how you can pray for them this season, you never know where it may lead.
- Talk to family members about what you are learning in your Advent devotional. It is an opportunity to share the gospel and they may learn something they’ve never heard before.
6. List out all the names of God in the Bible or the thousands of words that describe Him.
7. Sing Christmas songs.
- I love around Christmas time when places such as malls, coffee shops and restaurants have Christmas music playing, it’s such a quintessential feeling. But what I love most about this is that it’s incredible and endless opportunities for anyone to hear the gospel!
8. Delight in the extra beauty around you.
- The early mornings when it’s still dark out, I love enjoying my morning coffee with the only light being from the Christmas tree.
9. Write a short prayer over each Christmas card you send.
- Additionally, pray that prayer or physically write it out on the card for them to see and read for themselves.
10. Share Christ’s love with those around you.
- Here are some ideas, and a few more: host a gathering with friends, be intentional about deeper conversations with your coworkers, give your time to those less fortunate, help elderly neighbors, invite someone new to church.
- Spend your time wisely during the hustle and bustle of December by investing in others. The greatest gift anyone could ever receive is knowing Jesus.
Pin to reference this post throughout the months, and for next year!